Online Training Sessions

At Vision Bling, we are committed to providing comprehensive training in various areas to individuals who are passionate about honing their skills and advancing their careers. Join our community of learners and professionals to stay updated on our latest training programs, workshops, and events. 

In our UI/UX training program held last year, we completed three cohorts, with each batch comprising 50 participants. The training extended over nine weeks, encompassing both mobile and web projects. Throughout the program duration, students actively participated in immersive learning experiences, emphasizing design principles, industry-standard tools, and best practices.

Toward the end of the program, the students were assigned real-world projects, providing them with opportunities to apply their acquired skills practically their performance was exceptional. These projects challenged students to think critically, collaborate effectively, and deliver solutions aligned with user needs and expectations.

Students' Projects

A showcase of some exceptional mobile and web app designs created by talented students from our training program.

Travel Booking Website by Okusada Femi

With a sleek and intuitive interface, users can easily search for flights and hotels, based on their preferences and budget. The website offers comprehensive information about destinations, accommodations, and travel options, allowing users to make informed decisions.

Real Estate Mobile app by Patrick

This app offers users available properties based on their destination, dates, and preferences with a diverse range of options to suit every traveler's needs and a secure booking system to ensure peace of mind.

Video streaming app by Uchenna Aroh

This app offers seamless streaming with personalized recommendations based on your preferences. Its a world of endless entertainment, with the ability to create playlists, download content for offline viewing, and share your favorite moments with friends.

Shortlet booking website by Chidiogo

This website offers a seamless experience for finding and booking short-term accommodations. With a user-friendly interface, users can easily search for available properties based on their destination, dates, and preferences. From cozy apartments to luxurious villas, a diverse range of options to suit every traveler's needs is provided.


Hear what some of our beneficiaries have to say

Nwachukwu Lovelyn

"Receiving a scholarship for UI/UX design is an incredible opportunity in the world of tech, and I deeply value it. I extend my sincere appreciation to everyone who supported us throughout this journey, dedicating their time and resources. I am immensely grateful. I am committed to putting forth my utmost effort to excel in the tech world, and regardless of how far I progress, Vision Bling will always hold the distinction of giving me my initial step. Their mentorship is unparalleled. Thank you."

Nwuga Ikechukwu

"I am truly grateful to Vision Bling for their generous support in providing tech training for young individuals like myself. The training experience was truly remarkable, with concepts presented in a simplified manner that greatly facilitated the learning process, even for beginners. Transitioning from knowing nothing to becoming a UI/UX designer felt like a dream come true. As Vision Bling aims to establish itself as a leading tech company globally, I wholeheartedly urge African youths to seize the opportunities it offers. Congratulations and here's to reaching new heights together!"

Ngozi Olisa

"Benefitting from thr UI/UX design scholarship program offered by Vision Bling Tech Community has been the highlight of my year. The structured curriculum, combined with the expertise of our versatile and competent tutor, has made this online learning experience truly remarkable and enjoyable. I am sincerely grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to upgrade my skills at absolutely no cost, which will undoubtedly benefit my tech career and life in general. Our class project, focused on designing a website and mobile application, has significantly boosted my confidence and proficiency in these areas. A heartfelt thank you to the facilitators of Vision Bling Tech Community for providing this invaluable opportunity. Thank you."

Anthony Emeka

The concept of offering training on Mobile App design with Figma is truly commendable. As someone who benefited from this opportunity, I am sincerely grateful for the chance to participate in the training free of charge. I gained invaluable knowledge and skills. Vision Bling truly deserves recognition and praise. Thank you sincerely."

Chime Olaedo

"I've gained an immense amount of knowledge from this class. Surprisingly, it uncovered many secrets in UI/UX, even though I've previously taken similar courses. I've come to grasp numerous terms as a designer and have become extremely familiar with Figma. The instructor's mastery of the course material is exceptional; they break down complex concepts effortlessly, making them understandable even for those with zero tech background. The class is highly engaging, and the instructional videos are incredibly relatable, especially when revisiting them for assignments. I extend my gratitude to everyone on the team for their dedication in making this class a resounding success"

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