Vision Bling Tech Innovator Challenge

Youth edition

We are committed to facilitating the smooth transition of young indiviuals into the world of technology


The VBTI challenge, youth edition is organized into carefully thought-out stages designed to recognize and reward exceptional talents.

Contestants present their digital solutions to a diverse panel of judges, gaining valuable insights and ratings. The grand finale, a remarkable physical event, allows top performers to present polished versions of their groundbreaking ideas, elevating the competition with a dynamic face-to-face culmination that adds authenticity. There is intense competition and high stakes. The evaluation of projects and the choice of winners is greatly influenced by distinguished judges.

The VBTI Challenge substantially rewards the first, second, and third-place winners and also awards a brand-new laptop to the participant who best represents exceptional skills and dedication. 


During the competition, three standout teams clinched victory with their innovative ideas.

The team securing the second runner-up position, Health Link, presented a visionary platform. This platform effortlessly links hospitals, doctors, and patients, bringing about a revolutionary transformation in the healthcare experience.

Securing the first runner-up position was Team Skrept, introducing a talent and skill marketplace. Skrept is all about connecting service experts and shining a spotlight on skills.

 The champions of the challenge Team Ace, came up with an app idea which they called Lifeline. Lifeline acts as a bridge between willing blood donors and recipients, aiming to reduce fatalities in healthcare.



“The experience I got from participating in this challenge was rather new because prior to this, I had no experience participating in any hackathon of any form. I am grateful to my team lead who walked me through the whole process.
Personally, my biggest challenge was trying to overcome my shyness because I am not often outspoken. I have Vision Bling to thank for bringing me out of my shell. I was shocked when it was announced that I was the most outstanding participant, and I did not expect it. I think the reason I won was because of my charisma and passion for this particular solution. My sister also had that same issue, and if not for God, we might have lost her, I am glad that we have a potential solution that could save a lot of lives.
I was in charge of the design aspect of the project, and I have always loved to design. The laptop gifted to me would go a very long way in helping me further my skills in both product and graphic design. I have loved tech from the get-go and had wanted to study computer science, although that dream did not work out,  I am glad that Vision Bling has given me another opportunity to chase my passion, and I am forever grateful for that”

Okolie Ugochi

Most Outstanding participant, VBTI challenge.


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